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Twenty Ways

 is here                                   it's a good job too

Twenty Ways to conceal a Concentration Camp in an Urban Area

Correspondence with the B.B.C. the U.K. government and The Crown regarding

Media Propaganda

                            by     Tru Riley
Title;        Twenty Ways to conceal a Concentration Camp in an Urban Area
Author;                                               Tru Riley
Genre;                                           Political reality
Society; Politics, Psychology, Media, Paranormal

         A contemporary look at the 1930s phenomenon of "Nazi cinema". A picture emerges of a massive crime against nature and us, the most gigantic and criminal scandal of today's world, deserving of a cover that shows a Sants Claus of jollity and plenty with swastika eyeballs because it offers in its pages the hardest proof yet seen of an alleged "World shadow government" and a sinister subliminal agenda of enslavement by destroying the family. It's strong enough to demand defence and it's very convincing.

         These are big claims but its rumour is increasingly on the lips of common people, its content forms the sales backbone of some high-circulation press and the evidence is real enough.

                       This is the biggest story in the world. Please read on.


Smiling emoticon holding a sign - "we're OPEN"
You can get it right now. Any good retailer or you can order from the online bookstore                                                           right now.
         Buy here > 
 Twenty Ways to conceal a Concentration Camp in an Urban Area 

                                     I'm sorry about this book really but despite it's optimism it's mighty difficult to send this sort of thing to charm school; horror to destroy sleep and scary enough to burn fingers, it's also problematically indistinguishable from reality.

          From the title onwards, it's not slow in creating belief. There's plenty to talk about here, it's most certainly news that warrants publication but the questions seem simple;

          Who is going to represent this book to find the audience that it undoubtedly has?

          I'd be very grateful for your views.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Tru Riley




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   H.M. The Occupant

   Buckingham Palace

   London SW1A 1AA

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